Ultrasound Services

Get a better look at your pet

Easthaven features a full-service ultrasound suite and trained ultrasound crew.

Your dog or cat can’t tell us what’s bothering them. In order to diagnose your pet’s problem, we use our training, experience, and state-of-the-art technology to determine the source of your pet’s discomfort. Easthaven has on-site ultrasound machines to provide a proper diagnosis. We perform abdominal and cardiac ultrasounds at a fraction of the cost of a specialist.

Ultrasounds are ideal for providing a non-invasive, radiation-free view of your pet’s organs, including the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart and more. This helps with locating an organ when trying to obtain a biopsy or urine sample. Ultrasound-guided cystocentesis allows us to quickly obtain a urine sample from your pet to get uncontaminated results for the lab.

We recently added cardiac ultrasounds to our hospital - bringing you even more in-depth diagnostics when your pet needs them most!

Ultrasound Imaging

- We have a state of the art Sonoscape S8 ultrasound which can be used to examine the heart and all organs within the abdomen.

This is a non-invasive, pain-free, radiation-free method to gather more information about your pet’s condition.

- Ultrasound uses sound waves to develop images of what's going on inside the body. The sound waves bounce back to determine the size, shape, and consistency of soft tissues and organs which are interpreted by the doctor.

- Ultrasound is used to better characterize tumors within the abdomen, presence of stones within the urinary tract, staging renal disease, characterizing liver disease, gastrointestinal mobility, visualization of foreign objects within the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac structure and much more.

- Ultrasound can be used to acquire sterile samples of urine from the bladder, samples of masses within the abdomen, and even assess the functionality of the heart

We offer different levels of ultrasound services, including inexpensive fast-scans, more advanced abdominal scans, and echocardiograms. Ultrasounds are useful in determining a variety of medical conditions, such as:

  •     Heart murmurs

  •     Liver disease

  •     Kidney disease

  •     Pregnancy

  •     Cancer

A proper diagnosis leads to better medicine, and better health and comfort for your pet.