Our goal is to provide excellent, affordable pet care

without sacrificing your pet's needs

We offer competitive pricing in order to get your pet the care it needs.

When you’re searching for a modern veterinary hospital that’s clean and provides outstanding services, bring your pet to Easthaven Animal Hospital for quality care for your dog or cat. We offer thorough examinations, along with:

  • Advanced oral care and dentistry

  •  Ultrasound services

  • Radiology

  • Laboratory testing

  • Our veterinarians work together on cases so you get two veterinarians for the price of one

Our staff receives continuing education to provide them with the skills to do more for your pet’s well-being.

Our Services

Dogs and cats use their mouths for everything. Nearly every dog or cat over the age of five has a problem with their mouth.

Cat & Dog Dental Care

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/icon/dog_1887457#fromView=search&page=1&position=15&uuid=8df1f9ef-1820-42e8-9983-5b35ffe82eda">Dog Icon by Freepik</a>

Behavior Consults

Behavior Consults with Dr. Kelsey Weeg at our sister hospital - she has a special interest in clinical animal behavior and offers behavioral consults.

Cat Icon by Deylotus Creative Design


Ultrasound Icon by Vector Stall

Your pet can’t tell us what’s bothering them. Ultrasound technology can help us diagnose your pet’s problem.

"Goldilocks" Vet Hospital

Not too big, not too small. Just right!